
In The Water at Last

We’ve had two incredibly busy days in a row. Thursday we went to the Dania Marina Flea market with Captain Ron and picked up a bunch of new toys. Yesterday we got the dinghy aboard for the first time, painted the centerboard, and put Stella Blue in the canal.

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One Week

It’s been exactly one week since we left Houston. To the minute. We left at 7:45 last Saturday. It’s a bit hard to believe that it’s only been a week since we have done so much. We are finally settling in to our routine though. We have our french press thermos for making joe, and we have had the same breakfast for four days in a row, half a bagel with cream cheese sprinkled with old bay and an egg over easy on top. Our new home is small, but we have adjusted quickly. With a little bit of organization and planning a lot can be done with a little space.

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First Post on the Boat

We are finally here! After 9 months of planning and preparation we are finally living aboard Sailing Vessel Stella Blue in Port Charlotte Florida at the Charlotte Harbor Boat Storage. We are still on the hard as we finish up final preparations for our voyage. It’s been a whirlwind of a week so far. So far we have installed a new stereo, bought a dinghy, moved all of our stuff aboard, cleaned and organized the head and galley, learned to use the oven and range, cleaned the water tanks, etc, etc. We have been working hard so that we can set sail next week.

There is still some work to do to finish getting this blog setup the way I would like it. It’s raining today so I am using this down time to do what I can.